Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms? Your Questions Answered (2024)

Why Smoking Magic Mushrooms is Not For You!

It’s evident that magic mushrooms are the current talk of the town. But one thought that remains in the minds of stoners is, “Can you smoke magic mushrooms?”

If you’ve been keen enough, then you’ve probably heard that you can smoke magic mushrooms, but are these allegations true?

Well, there are lots of questions about this topic, and it’s high time we state everything clearly.

Fortunately, this guide is here to do exactly that!

We’re going to answer whether you can smoke magic smoke shrooms or not, the effects of smoking shrooms, the ideal ways on how to ingest shrooms, and more.

Did we mention you can buy shrooms online at Shrooms Hub? We’ll also get to that!

Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms? Your Questions Answered (1)

What Are Magic Mushrooms?

Magic mushrooms, also known as shrooms, are a special type of mushroom containing psilocybin.

Psilocybin is a special psychoactive compound that turns into psilocin after consumption.

Magic mushrooms are mainly taken for their hallucinogenic effects, which most people enjoy.

Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms?

Considering the myth surrounding it, the topic of whether you can smoke shrooms is exciting.

Even though there are certain herbal substances, such as cannabis, that are smoked, magic mushrooms do not fall under this category.

But the question remains: can you smoke magic mushrooms? While it may appear tempting to smoke shrooms as a form of recreation, you need to understand the dangers you’re getting yourself into.

People looking for unique ways of enjoying magic mushrooms should seek other alternative methods of consumption apart from smoking.

Note that smoking shrooms does not deliver the same results as taking them orally.

The psilocybin in magic mushrooms is not activated by smoking like THC in cannabis.

When looking for alternative ways to consume mushrooms, it’s vital to know how they affect your body and mind.

Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms? Your Questions Answered (2)

What Happens if You Smoke Mushrooms Shrooms?

Smoking magic mushrooms comes with serious risks that can affect both your physical and mental health.

These risks include lung complications resulting from inhaling intoxicated compounds.

Other effects include:

Increases the Chances of Experiencing a Bad Trip

Smoking shrooms increases your chances of experiencing a terrible psychedelic trip.

Due to the unpredictable nature of dosing while smoking, you can overdose on magic mushrooms, thus resulting in a bad trip.

The hallucinogenic compounds of magic mushrooms, such as psilocin, can result in intense hallucinations, panic attacks, and paranoia when not taken correctly.

It also results in impaired judgment and an altered state of mind.

These effects take you to a different world and leave you with regrets.

Psychological and Physical Effects

Smoking shrooms comes with both psychological and physical effects.

These physical effects include coughing, shortening your breath, and chest tightness.

It can also cause irritation in the lungs, which results in discomfort.

The hallucinogenic compounds trigger psychological effects such as altered perception of reality, paranoia, and anxiety.

Moreover, smoking shrooms can result in mental complications such as panic attacks or intense emotional disturbances.

Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms? Your Questions Answered (3)

Smoking Associated Risks

Smoking shrooms imposes you to general risks associated with smoking, such as lung damage.

Also, it may cause coughing and lung irritation due to inhaling foreign substances.

Smoking may also increase your risk of contracting lung cancer, among other respiratory-related complications.

As a result, this mode of consumption poses a series of severe health risks to your body.

Entry of Contaminants and Mold Spores into the Body

Can you smoke magic mushrooms? Well, smoking shrooms puts you at risk of inhaling mold spores and other contaminants available in the mushrooms.

This can cause health-related complications such as respiratory problems.

When these contaminants enter the body through smoking, they can pose a high risk since they directly enter the respiratory tract.

Before you think of smoking shrooms, evaluate some of the risks you’re about to put your body and health through.

Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms? Your Questions Answered (4)

How Do You Take Shrooms?

Oral consumption is the most common and ideal way of taking your magic mushrooms.

Instead of putting your health at risk by smoking magic mushrooms, adopt the methods outlined below.


Can you overdose on magic mushrooms? Yes! This is why microdosing was invented to avoid such scenarios.

Microdosing refers to taking a small amount of shrooms to enjoy subtle effects instead of inducing an intense psychedelic trip.

You can take small doses of magic mushrooms after a few days to help your body adapt.

These small doses have additional benefits, such as improved creativity, increased focus, and enhanced emotional well-being.

This method is mostly used by individuals seeking to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of magic mushrooms.

It also eliminates the overwhelming effects and prepares you in advance before scaling up.

Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms? Your Questions Answered (5)


Did you know you can eat magic mushrooms, whether dried or fresh?

This is among the traditional methods of consuming shrooms for those looking to enjoy the psychoactive effects.

You can either chew the shrooms directly or prepare a mushroom tea.

Through eating magic mushrooms, psilocin is absorbed in the body through the digestive system and later undergoes metabolism.

After metabolism, psilocin enters the bloodstream and goes directly to the brain, where it delivers its psychoactive effects.

Eating magic mushrooms helps you to avoid the health risks of smoking, such as lung complications.

Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms? Your Questions Answered (6)


Magic edibles are the newest edibles in town and are available in every online mushroom dispensary.

Edibles are formed by infusing magic mushrooms into foodstuffs such as gummies and chocolate.

This method offers a more convenient and palatable way of enjoying the strongest psilocybin mushrooms.

In addition, magic edibles offer a precise mode of dosing your shrooms to ensure that you only take what your body can withstand.

Magic edibles tend to offer extended psychedelic effects, thus enhancing your psychedelic experience.

Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms? Your Questions Answered (7)

Safety Tips to Consider When Taking Magic Mushrooms

It’s important to understand that nothing is totally safe, especially when dealing with naturally occurring substances such as magic mushrooms.

However, there are certain tips that you can consider to be on the safe side.

If you intend to take shrooms, consider the tips below.

Be Careful with How Much You Take

Dosing is critical, especially when taking the strongest psilocybin mushrooms.

Start with a smaller dose and increase it gradually as time goes.

Magic mushrooms are unpredictable, and taking them in higher doses can increase your chances of experiencing a bad trip.

Find the Right Spot

Always find the right spot where you’re comfortable to enjoy the trip.

Choosing the right place will help you to relax and get the most from your shrooms.

Find a Trip Sitter

Ensure that you have a sober person around you who can help in case things don’t work out accordingly.

A perfect trip sitter should be someone familiar with magic mushrooms.

Determine the Right Time

Your current mood determines the nature of your psychedelic trip.

Before taking shrooms, ensure you’re in the right mood and have a positive mindset.

Do Not Mix

Mixing shrooms with other substances is a major mistake that you should never commit.

When taking magic mushrooms, do not mix with other substances, such as alcohol.

Stay Hydrated

Magic mushrooms can easily dry your mouth and increase your body temperature.

To be safer, drink a lot of water before and after the trip for better results.

Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms? Your Questions Answered (8)

Can You Buy Magic Mushrooms Online in Canada?

Just like cannabis, you can buy shrooms online in Canada at Shroom Hub.

Shroom Hub is magic mushroom dispensary based in Vancouver, BC, which gives you the freedom to buy psychedelics online Canada.

Although there are hundreds if not thousands of mushroom dispensaries online, Shroom Hub is a major player in the game dedicated to serving you with high-quality mail-order psychedelics and magic mushrooms.

Even though you can buy magic mushrooms online in Canada, the process may not be smooth, especially if you’re a fast-timer.

Here are the tips to help you buy magic mushrooms online in Canada.

Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms? Your Questions Answered (9)

Find a Reputable Magic Mushroom Dispensary

With a quick search, you’ll find multiple mushroom dispensaries claiming to be the best in the game.

Before placing an order, ensure you’re dealing with a reputable mushroom dispensary with a successful track record of selling high-quality products.

Shroom Hub is a reputable magic mushroom dispensary Vancouverthat you can trust with your money and psychedelics needs.

Read Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are crucial in giving you real-life experiences of other consumers.

Once you enter a magic mushroom dispensary, read the customer reviews to evaluate what others say and relate to your specific needs.

Shroom Hub has a reviews page where you can learn more about other people’s experiences.

You can also visit other third-party review sites, such as Trustpilot, to read more.

Customer Support

Customer support is crucial in any online transaction. Find a mushroom dispensary that values the importance of customer satisfaction.

We have a qualified customer support panel on standby to serve you during the day and night.

Before you transact with any magic mushroom dispensary, inquire to evaluate how long it takes for the customer representative to respond.

A dispensary that takes hours or even days to respond is not worth the risk.

Have a Budget

Budgeting is crucial to avoid falling into debt or overspending.

You can evaluate what different mushroom dispensaries are offering to determine a suitable budget range.

However, you don’t need to compromise with product quality in the name of budget.

Shroom Hub offers high-quality products at competitive prices to enable you to get exactly what you need.

Risking your health just to save a few bucks is not the best way to do business.

Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms? Your Questions Answered (10)

Can You Smoke Shrooms – Summary

Can you smoke magic mushrooms? This question continues to buzz in the heads of many stoners, and it is time to clear the airwaves.

Smoking magic mushrooms is one of the worst decisions that you’ll ever make.

This mode of consumption comes with lots of health risks that you can easily avoid by opting for alternative ways of taking shrooms.

You can buy shrooms online from a magic mushroom dispensary Vancouver and enjoy it without having to smoke.

Looking to buy psychedelics online Canada, Shroom Hub has your back covered!

Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms? Your Questions Answered (2024)
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