Do You Want to Increase Your Breast Milk Supply While Eating Delicious Cookies? - Recipes for Lactation! (2024)

Hi everyone! I am honored to have with us today Eryn Lynum fromFrom Famine to Foodie.Eryn is doing a 4 post series this week on breastfeeding.

As many of you already know, breast milk is best for a newborn. But sometimes it can be really challenging to breast feed.

Eryn is here to share her breastfeeding story with us and to give us helpful guidance through this journey. I will let Eryn take it from here!

This is part 4 of a 4-part series on breastfeeding.

Click here to read:

  • Part 1 ~ Why Breastfeeding Doesn’t Always Turn Out As Planned
  • Part 2 ~ There Is Hope For Breastfeeding Success
  • Part 3 ~ How To Boost Your Breast Milk By Slaying Stress

Why Our Modern Diet May Be Hindering Our Chances at Breastfeeding Success

Ideally and traditionally, a mother would prepare her body even before conception to grow and feed her baby. This is not the case with today’s modern diet.

An average American diet, composed mostly of processed foods and toxic fats, does not promote breastfeeding. In fact, it hinders our efforts in breastfeeding. Mamas—we have to go against the norm here. We need to make an intentional shift in how we view food. We need to begin seeing our diet as the primary tool at our disposal to equip us to better feed our babes.

Whether your baby is in utero or in your arms, there are changes that you can make right now, employing the food you eat to join forces with you in nurturing your precious one.

But First–Does Breast Milk Vary In Quality?

Although breast milk is the perfect food for babies, it can vary in its quality, mostly depending on what mama is eating. I saw this first-hand when I compared the milk I produced for my first son to the milk I produced for my second son.

When I had my first son, we were still eating the average American diet. Although I was eating fats, they were not good fats. They were the processed, hydrogenated, toxic fats that are so prevalent in today’s modern foods. I was giving little thought to what I ate, and this was reflected in my milk. It was thin and blue, indicating a low fat content. I also was not producing enough (as I detailed in my full story here).

Between the birth of my two boys, our family began eating a whole food diet. I can see direct evidence of the advantages of our whole food diet in my breast milk. Now that I am eating a diet low in processed foods and high in whole, nutritious foods, my milk is always thick, creamy, and white. When it sits in the fridge, it develops a “cream-top”, sometimes half an inch thick!

Breast milk can vary in fat content from about 2% to 9%. Not only does a higher fat content in milk pack a higher concentration of nutrients per ounce for baby, but fattier milk also helps fill baby’s belly, which helps your little one take better naps and sleep through the night. What mama doesn’t want that?!

Why Eating Fatty Foods May Help Boost Your Supply as well as Lose the Baby Weight!

The number one foods I recommend for increasing the amount and quality of your breast milk are traditional, natural fats.

It may seem counter intuitive, to eat fat while you are trying to lose the “baby-weight”, but when we put some thought into the fats we are eating, it can make a huge difference in our milk supply! Not only that, but eating traditional, healthful fats can actually help you lose weight! Click here to learn more!

The “secret” here is to be knowledgeable and intentional in the types of fats you eat. I am not talking trans vs. saturated mumbo-jumbo. Rather, I am talking about unprocessed traditional fats; the fats that nature gives us. Fats our ancestors ate and thrived on for generations. Fats that our bodies thrive on—that they need. Fats such as these:

  • Butter from grass-fed cows (I recommend “Organic Valley” Pasture Butter)
  • Whole organic milk
  • Plain yogurt from whole organic milk
  • Meat from grass-fed beef, pastured pigs, and truly free-range chickens
  • Eggs from truly free-range chickens (click here to read more about the best eggs you can eat)
  • Nuts and nut butters (homemade or organic, without hydrogenated oils)
  • Lard (from pasture-raised pigs, unhydrogenated)

These foods may cost a little bit more, but consider the savings in money and health you will create by ensuring that you have enough breast milk to feed your baby, and don’t have to invest in expensive formula!

In addition to wholesome, natural fats, some women (including myself) also experience an increase in their breast milk quality and supply while eating oats and ground flax seeds.

3 Delicious Recipes For Increasing and Maintaining Your Breast Milk Supply!

With this in mind, I have created three delicious recipes that incorporate wholesome, natural fats, along with oats and flax seeds. These are my go-to recipes for increasing and maintaining a healthy and abundant supply of breast milk. I snack on these recipes when:

  • I experience increased stress, whether unexpected, like a rough day with the kids, or expected, like when we moved to a new state
  • I notice my son going through a growth spurt and thus has an increased appetite
  • If I want to pump a little extra milk to have on hand for those rare occasions my husband and I are able to have someone watch the boys so we can have a date night

And here are is my favorite thing to snack on when I want to up my milk supply: Cinnamon Apple and Pecan Lactation Cookies!

When I snack on a couple (or more…) of these cookies each morning with my coffee, I pump an average of 2-4 more times breast milk each day.

These lactation cookies are not just for the nursing mama of the house! Both my husband and my two-year old are big fans. Just be sure these cookies don’t make it into the hands or mouths of baby if he or she is under 1 year old, as they are made with honey.

These cookies are absolutely delicious and wholesome! You can eat them like it’s your day job, because, well, it is! And as long as that little one is keeping you up during all hours, you can eat them as a part of your night job, too. So go ahead, mama, snack away! And if your husband looks at you quizzically as you munch away on these treats, just assure him that you are working on your milk supply. It’s what’s best for the baby, after all 😉

Let Love Be The Measure Of Success

So there you have it—over the past four posts I have shared with you my own breastfeeding journey, along some indispensable lessons I have learned along the way. Remember, each mama is different. Each experience is unique. Each baby’s needs are particular to him or her. What works for one mama will look differently from what works for another.

Your job as mama is simply to gain knowledge, put it into practice, give breastfeeding your best shot, and in the end—whatever the result—love that precious little bundle with all the love you can muster up, and enjoy the journey. That love will be the measure of success in your own journey.

Cinnamon Apple and Pecan Lactation Cookies

Prep time:

Cook time:

Total time:

Serves: 4 dozen


  • 2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • ¾ tsp ground sea salt
  • 1 ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ¾ cups ground flax seed
  • 1 cup grass-fed butter, softened
  • ½ cup honey
  • ½ cup unsweetened organic apple sauce
  • ¾ cup raw turbinado (or cane) sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 3 cups oats (not quick oats)
  • 1 cup finely-chopped pecans
  • 1 ½ cup organic raisins


  1. In a small bowl mix together the first 6 ingredients
  2. In a large bowl cream together the butter, honey, apple sauce, and sugar
  3. Beat the eggs and vanilla into the wet ingredients
  4. Pour the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients, mix together just until moist
  5. Now mix in the oats, pecans, and and raisins. Mix just until incorporated
  6. Roll dough into balls and place onto non-stick baking sheet, flatten balls slightly with hand. Bake for 12-14 minutes at 350 degrees until they just begin to brown.

Serving size: 2 cookies


Store in the fridge (ground flax spoils quickly at room temperature), or enjoy them from the freezer for a few weeks!

Do You Want to Increase Your Breast Milk Supply While Eating Delicious Cookies? - Recipes for Lactation! (7)

About Eryn Lynum

Eryn Lynum is the author of the book 936 Pennies: Discovering the Joy of Intentional Parenting. She lives in Northern Colorado with her husband and four children, where they spend their time hiking, camping, and exploring the Rocky Mountains. She loves to travel and share at conferences, churches, and writers’ groups. But every opportunity she gets, she is out exploring God’s creation with her family, and sharing the journey at

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Do You Want to Increase Your Breast Milk Supply While Eating Delicious Cookies? - Recipes for Lactation! (2024)


Do lactation cookies help increase milk supply? ›

Conclusions: This study found no evidence for the effect of consuming LCs on HMPR, PIM, or breastfeeding self-efficacy in exclusively breastfeeding parents with an overall adequate perceived milk supply.

How often should you eat milkmakers lactation cookies? ›

How often should I eat lactation cookies? Spoiler alert: you don't have to eat lactation cookies every day to have a good milk supply! That being said, you can totally eat them everyday if you love them. (For the first few months postpartum, I was making a new batch every couple of days!)

How long does it take to produce milk after eating lactation cookies? ›

How Long Does It Take For Lactation Cookies To Work? It can depend on the individual, but typically you should see results within 1-2 days. Moms will typically notice an immediate boost in my supply. So hang in there, you should be producing more in no time!

What is in lactation cookies that makes you lactate? ›

How Do Lactation Cookies Work? Lactation cookies are made with special ingredients called galactagogues which are intended to help increase a mother's milk supply. These galactagogues may include herbal ingredients such as garlic, fenugreek, brewer's yeast, flaxseed, or oats.

What happens if you eat a lot of lactation cookies? ›

If you eat too many lactation cookies you may end up with an oversupply, or you may also have some bloating or gassiness which can be a side effect from too much brewers yeast for some mums.

What actually increases milk supply? ›

Increasing Your Milk Supply
  • Breastfeed every time your baby is hungry. ...
  • Make sure your baby is latching well.
  • Offer both breasts at each feeding. ...
  • Empty your breasts at each feeding. ...
  • Avoid bottles and pacifiers in the early weeks. ...
  • Get plenty of sleep, and eat a healthy diet.
  • Pump or express your milk. ...
  • Relax and massage.

How many homemade lactation cookies should I eat a day? ›

We suggest starting with 2 a day and increasing or decreasing as necessary is the best way to find out for you; every supply and mama is different, and you may find that 1 a day is enough for you.

Do lactation cookies actually work? ›

Their findings revealed no evidence for an effect of consuming lactation cookies on human milk production. “Too often in the field of nutrition and food, strong beliefs—sometimes even well-reasoned conjectures based upon some scientific knowledge—are mistaken for demonstrated facts,” Allison said.

How can I increase my milk supply fast? ›

A great way to boost your milk supply quickly is to power pump. Essentially for 2-3 days in a row, you pump after every nursing session for 10-20 minutes. This fully empties your breasts and signals to your body to make more milk.

Does brewers yeast really increase milk supply? ›

A study published by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development found that women who consumed brewer's yeast had a significant increase in milk production compared to those who didn't.

Do Oreos make you lactate? ›

What do Blue Gatorade and Double Stuf Oreos have in common? According to internet lore they are both attributed to increased milk supply, although there is a lack of scientific evidence to support that claim.

How can I increase my breast milk supply naturally? ›

The most effective way to increase milk supply is to breastfeed your baby frequently and effectively, suggests Dr Pai. Breastfeeding stimulates milk production, so try to nurse your baby on demand. That is typically every 2 to 3 hours or more often if your baby shows hunger cues.

Do Oreos actually help milk supply? ›

What do Blue Gatorade and Double Stuf Oreos have in common? According to internet lore they are both attributed to increased milk supply, although there is a lack of scientific evidence to support that claim.

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.