Everything you need to know about Words On Stream (and a little more) (2024)

A helpful FAQ answering the main queries about this awesome streaming game.

Everything you need to know about Words On Stream (and a little more) (3)

Words on Stream, or WOS, is one of the first games launched by Onrizon to be played on a live streaming platform, even before Onrizon TV was born.

If you are searching for a free and fun game to play with your community without downloading more stuff to your computer, WOS is a great call. Played by over a hundred thousand streamers worldwide, WOS is a simple but challenging game everyone can enjoy. Plus, it will work even when you are in Be Right Back mode and need to leave the stream for a little.

But how does it work exactly? How can I play it on my stream? How do “this” and “that” affect the game? As someone who answers those questions daily and watches a ton of streamers playing WOS, I got you covered. Here’s a helpful guide with the most frequently asked questions about Words On Stream.

Table of contents

  1. How does Words On Stream work?
  2. How does the game progression work?
  3. What are those numbers on the letters?
  4. How are points counted?
  5. What are those padlocks? Can I disable them?
  6. Can I see the missing words?
  7. What is this Mirror link? How does it work?
  8. How does the reward system work?
  9. Why is WOS not reading my chat?
  10. Why didn’t it compute a hit for me if I sent a valid answer?
  11. Can my chat play while I’m AFK? How does the autopilot work?
  12. As the streamer, can I play too?
  13. What is the QR code for?
  14. What is the Party Mode?
  15. How many languages is it available to play?

1. How does Words On Stream work?

Use the given anagram to form words and send your guesses on the chat. Each level has a number of words that can be discovered and a minimum needed to advance to the next one. Play cooperatively to reach higher levels together.

Everything you need to know about Words On Stream (and a little more) (4)

2. How does the game progression work?

You move up depending on your level of success:

  • ⭐️ 1 Star/Good to go!
    Reached the goal only — Advance to the next level.
  • ⭐️⭐️ 2 Stars/Well done!
    Reached the goal + got 34% to 66% of the remaining points — Advance two levels.
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3 Stars/Fantastic!
    Reached the goal + got 67% or more of the remaining points — Advance three levels.
Everything you need to know about Words On Stream (and a little more) (5)

3. What are those numbers on the letters?

Each letter has a point value, and a word scores the sum of all letters that form it. For example, the word TRUCKS scores 12 points, as T=1, R=1, U=1, C=3, K=5, and S=1.

Everything you need to know about Words On Stream (and a little more) (6)

4. How are points counted?

The game sums the value of the words discovered, as explained above. Your audience must play collaboratively to reach the goal and advance. You can see the individual contributions at the end of each level.

Everything you need to know about Words On Stream (and a little more) (7)

5. What are those padlocks? Can I disable them?

The game time is sectioned. Each section unlocks one opportunity per person to hit. The padlocks show when each section starts and ends.

Once you guess right, you get blocked for a while and can only hit again after being unlocked. So, if you are blocked, you will not score even if you have sent the correct word.

The game also shows a padlock in front of a blocked user, so it’s easy to follow if you can send answers and wait for the right time to do so.

You can’t disable the padlock system.

Everything you need to know about Words On Stream (and a little more) (8)

6. Can I see the missing words?

There’s no such option on WOS. Revealing the unguessed words could facilitate the creation of answer banks. We know it may happen out there, but we don’t want people to rely on such tools. Also, the game must be challenging, which involves discovering the words by effort.

7. What is this Mirror link? How does it work?

The mirror link is an address that can be used on your streaming software when creating a browser scene, so you’ll not have to capture your active screen when playing. You can obtain it by clicking the gear icon on the main game screen. You may have to get a new link every time you start playing.

Everything you need to know about Words On Stream (and a little more) (9)

8. How does the reward system work?

The reward system doesn’t use Twitch’s channel points and it will only work if you have a bot/system that gives points (like Stream Elements). You must enter your bot’s specific command to add points on the reward screen, followed by {nick} {points} to set it.

For example, Stream Elements’ command to give points is !addpoints. So the custom command to give points would be !addpoints {nick} {points}. After clicking "Send", the game will automatically distribute the number of points you set to the number of users you want to reward based on the final ranking.

Everything you need to know about Words On Stream (and a little more) (10)

9. Why is WOS not reading my chat?

This usually happens when your account loses communication with the game (TOKEN). To fix it, you must click LOGOUT on WOS’s page, close all tabs from the game (including the browser scene with the mirror link), then head over to the site and sync your account again. If it is still not working, do as follow:

  • Twitch: go to your Twitch account Settings > Connections > Disconnect Words on Stream. Then go to wos.gg and sync your account again.
  • YouTube: go to your Google account settings > Security > Manage third-party access > Remove access from Words On Stream. Then go to wos.gg and sync your account again.

10. Why didn’t it compute a hit for me if I sent a valid answer?

That can happen for some reasons:

A) The word you sent wasn’t correct or wasn’t part of the required answers for that level;

B) You already got a hit on that time section and got blocked, so you’ll only be able to hit again on the next one;

C) Someone sent the answer before you, or while you were blocked, so they will receive the hit instead.

11. Can my chat play while I’m AFK? How does the autopilot work?

Yes, your chat can play while you are AFK! Enable the autopilot mode, and WOS will work automatically: you will not have to use the !restart and !continue commands. The game will restart or proceed to the next level once the countdown ends. You find the option to activate it by clicking the settings icon.

12. As the streamer, can I play too?

Sure you can! You can also send guesses on the chat and have your hits computed. But if you want, you can also be a strategy coordinator and help your audience to achieve goals and beat levels. Play it as it’s best for your live stream!

13. What is the QR code for?

You can play through Twitch/YouTube chat or use the QR code to play on a cellphone without using the chat. We recommend adding something to hide the QR code if you want to allow only people using the chat on your stream.

14. What is the Party Mode?

The Party Mode is a way to play Words on Stream locally without being live. Suppose you want to play at home with your friends, all you need is a main screen (like a TV or computer) to show the game and your cell phone to use as a controller. People only need to scan the QR code to join and play.

15. How many languages is it available to play?

Currently, Words On Stream is only available in English and Portuguese.

Do you still have questions about Words On Stream? Don’t worry! Our team will be happy to help. Join the conversation at Onrizon TV’s Discord server, or reach us at team@onrizon.com.

Everything you need to know about Words On Stream (and a little more) (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.