Magic Mushroom Grow Kits: A Beginner's Guide to Growing (2024)

Exploring Magic Mushroom Grow Kits: A Comprehensive Guide

Magic mushrooms, known for their psychedelic properties due to compounds like psilocybin and psilocin, have gained popularity not only for their recreational use but also for potential therapeutic benefits. Cultivating these mushrooms at home using magic mushroom grow kits has become an accessible option for enthusiasts.

In this article, we'll delve into what these grow kits entail, their components, the cultivation process, and the legal considerations surrounding them.

Understanding Magic Mushroom Grow Kits

Magic mushroom grow kits are comprehensive packages designed to simplify the process of cultivating psychedelic mushrooms. They typically contain the following components:

Substrate: This serves as the growth medium for the mushrooms and often comprises materials like vermiculite, brown rice flour, or other nutrient-rich substances.

Spores or Mycelium: The kits contain either spores (the reproductive cells of fungi) or mycelium (the vegetative part of the fungus). Mycelium is a network of filaments that serve as the root structure of mushrooms.

Instructions: Detailed guidance is provided on how to set up the growing environment, maintain conditions, and cultivate the mushrooms successfully.

The Cultivation Process of Magic Mushroom

The cultivation process of magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, involves several steps.

Materials Needed:

Spores: Obtain spores from a reputable supplier. Spores are microscopic and come in syringes or prints.

Substrate: A substance on which the mushrooms will grow. Popular choices include brown rice flour, vermiculite, and a mix called PF Tek (Psilocybe Fanaticus Technique).

Growing containers: Sterilized jars or containers for the substrate.

Growing chamber: A controlled environment with proper humidity and temperature.

Mist spray bottle: For maintaining humidity levels.

Sterilization equipment: Pressure cooker or other means to sterilize the substrate and equipment.

Steps in Cultivation:

Substrate Preparation:

Mix the substrate components thoroughly in a clean environment.

Load the substrate into sterilized jars or containers.

Sterilize the substrate in a pressure cooker or similar method to kill any contaminants.


In a clean, preferably sterile environment, inoculate the sterilized substrate with the spores.

This is often done by injecting spore solution into the substrate jars using a syringe.


Store the inoculated jars in a warm and dark place, typically around 75-80°F (24-27°C).

Allow the mycelium (the root-like network of the fungus) to grow throughout the substrate. This can take several weeks.


Once the substrate is fully colonized by the mycelium, move the jars to a slightly cooler environment with indirect light.

Mist the inside of the growing chamber regularly to maintain high humidity.

Mushrooms will start to grow from the mycelium. Harvest them when the caps are fully formed but not yet opened.


Harvest the mushrooms by gently twisting or cutting them at the base.

Allow some mushrooms to mature fully; they can drop spores that can be used for future cultivation.

Maintenance and Second Flush (Optional):

After harvesting, some setups allow for a second flush of mushrooms to grow from the same substrate.

Properly maintain the growing environment for subsequent flushes.

Choosing the Right Kit

When considering a magic mushroom grow kit, several factors should be taken into account:

Strain Selection: Different strains of magic mushrooms vary in potency, appearance, and growth conditions. Kits may offer various strains, each with its own unique characteristics.

Supplier Reputation: Research and choose reputable suppliers known for quality kits and reliable customer service.

Kit Size: Kits come in various sizes, accommodating different levels of experience and desired yield. Beginners might opt for smaller kits, while experienced cultivators may prefer larger ones.

The Benefits of Using Magic Mushroom Grow Kits


Grow kits provide easy access to the cultivation process without requiring extensive knowledge or equipment. They're designed for beginners and offer a simplified way to grow mushrooms at home.


These kits come with everything needed, including substrate, spores, and often a growing chamber. This convenience reduces the hassle of sourcing individual components.

Controlled Environment:

They offer a controlled environment, minimizing the risk of contamination and providing optimal conditions for mushroom growth. This controlled setup can lead to higher success rates for cultivation.

Educational Experience:

Grow kits can be an educational tool, offering insights into the life cycle of mushrooms. They allow users to observe the growth stages, fostering a deeper understanding of mycology.

Faster Growth:

Kits often expedite the growth process compared to starting from scratch. They're designed to provide the ideal conditions for mushrooms to thrive, leading to quicker harvest times.

Potential Cost Savings:

For those interested in regularly consuming or using magic mushrooms, grow kits might be more cost-effective in the long run compared to buying mushrooms repeatedly.

Variety and Choice:

While somewhat limited, many kits offer a range of mushroom strains, providing users with options to cultivate different types of magic mushrooms.

The Challenges of Using Magic Mushroom Grow Kits

Using magic mushroom grow kits comes with several challenges:


In many places, the cultivation and use of magic mushrooms, including possessing their spores, are illegal. Using grow kits may involve legal risks, so it's crucial to understand local laws before attempting cultivation.


Maintaining a sterile environment throughout the cultivation process is essential. Contamination by bacteria, mold, or other fungi can easily occur and ruin the entire batch of mushrooms.

Quality Control:

The consistency and quality of mushrooms grown from kits might vary. Novice growers may face difficulties in achieving optimal conditions for the best yield and potency.

Limited Varieties:

Grow kits often offer a limited selection of mushroom strains. This limitation might be challenging for individuals seeking specific strains or varieties for their purposes.

Skill and Experience:

While designed for beginners, successful cultivation still requires a certain level of skill and understanding. Novice growers might encounter challenges in maintaining the ideal conditions for growth.

Ethical Considerations:

Some individuals may have ethical concerns about cultivating and using psychoactive substances. The impact on mental health and the potential for misuse are important ethical considerations.

Risk of Misuse:

There's a risk of misuse or abuse of magic mushrooms cultivated from grow kits. Ensuring responsible usage and understanding the potential psychological effects are critical.

Initial Investment:

While potentially cost-effective in the long run, there's an initial investment in purchasing the grow kit. This cost might deter some individuals from trying cultivation.

Safety and Responsibility

It's essential to approach the cultivation and consumption of magic mushrooms responsibly:

Prioritize understanding the risks, effects, and potential benefits associated with magic mushrooms.

If consuming the harvested mushrooms, be aware of proper dosages and potential psychological effects. Always start with small amounts.

Always approach the use of psychedelic substances responsibly and be mindful of the legal implications to avoid any potential legal issues.

The legality of magic mushroom grow kits varies widely across different countries and regions. In some places, possessing and using these kits for personal cultivation might be legal. However, in other areas, they could be considered illegal due to containing components of controlled substances.

Magic mushroom grow kits offer enthusiasts a convenient way to explore the cultivation process of these fascinating fungi. While they provide a structured approach to growing magic mushrooms, individuals should approach their use with caution, awareness, and a strong understanding of both the legal and health-related considerations.

Ultimately, responsible cultivation and consumption are key to safely and ethically engaging with magic mushrooms and their potential effects.

Magic Mushroom Grow Kits: A Beginner's Guide to Growing (2024)


Do mushroom grow kits work? ›

Mushroom grow kits are a great solution as they're easy to use and allow even the most inexperienced growers to produce fresh gourmet mushrooms year round. But not all mushroom grow kits are equal, so it's advisable to research and find a reliable supplier who offers a grow guarantee.

What is the easiest mushroom kit to grow? ›

Oyster mushrooms are by far the easiest and most reliable mushrooms to grow. For beginners we recommend our Mist & Grow Oyster mushroom grow kits. Simply cut an X in one side of the bag, cover with a humidity tent, and mist a few times daily. Within 7-10 days a cluster of baby mushrooms will appear!

Who makes the best mushroom grow kits? ›

Here's how to get started, and the best kits to try.
  • Editor's Pick: North Spore Blue Oyster Mushroom Spray & Grow Kit. ...
  • The Quickest Grower: Forest Origins Pink Oyster Mushroom Grow Kit. ...
  • The Highest Producer: Hodgins Harvest OrganicPink Oyster Mushroom Grow Kit. ...
  • Back to the Roots Organic Mushroom Grow Kit.
Jun 17, 2022

How many harvests can you get from a mushroom grow kit? ›

Expect to grow: 2-3 harvests of mushrooms / 150g - 300g

The first flush will always be the biggest. We've had some customers grow up to 4 flushes of mushrooms from our kits but on average you'll get 2 harvests. Once the kit has run out of nutrients and water it will be "spent" and won't produce any more mushrooms.

How long will mushroom grow kits last? ›

While we recommend fruiting your grow kit as soon as possible, if you need to, you can store your grow kit in the refrigerator for up to 6 months! If you start to see “pinning” ,it means that your mushrooms are ready to fruit and you probably should not store them any longer.

Do mushroom grow kits go bad? ›

Most mushroom kits will store for 3-6 months in the fridge if necessary. To store your kit, keep it in the fridge. This puts the mycelium into hibernation and will prevent it escaping the box early. Don't keep it somewhere it could exceed 30 degrees Celsius.

Where is the best place to grow a mushroom kit? ›

In nature, mushrooms grow in the cool, moist areas of the forest where they are sheltered from the weather and wind, so it's best to find a place like this in your house or backyard. Many people say to grow your mushrooms in the bathroom as it's an area that often has humidity from showers.

Do mushroom grow kits need light? ›

Where in my home should I put my Mushroom Grow Kit? Your Mushroom Grow Kit will do best in a warm place with indirect sunlight. Place your grow kit with the box opening facing away from a window that doesn't get too much sun.

How do I get the most out of my mushroom grow kit? ›

Give your block some fresh air
  1. Take the mushroom block out of the box (and recycle the box!)
  2. Leave the block in the plastic bag.
  3. Place the block cut side up in a shady area where it will receive rainfall.
  4. Check on the block periodically, especially after rain or humid days.

What is the best tasting mushroom you can grow at home? ›

Shiitake: Umami Richness

Lentinula edodes, better known as Shiitake mushrooms, are revered for their rich umami flavor and robust, meaty texture. A staple in Asian cuisines, Shiitakes offer versatility in the kitchen, seamlessly fitting into an array of dishes ranging from savory stir-fries to hearty broths.

Why is my mushroom kit not growing? ›

Not enough humidity

Humidity is quite important for mushrooms. If there isn't enough humidity, the mushrooms may slow down and/or stop growing. It would be like if we don't hydrate ourselves on a hot day or when we're exercising – we begin to slow down and not feel too good. Solution: You should mist more often.

How much does a mushroom kit produce? ›

How much does each Mushroom Grow Kit produce? Each Mushroom Grow Kit produces 1-2lbs of mushrooms over the course of 2-3 harvests. The yield depends on the type of mushroom and the growing conditions. The Hazel Phoenix mushroom grow kit will yield the most, as well is the easiest to grow.

How hard is mushroom farming? ›

Is it difficult to grow mushrooms? Although it may seem tricky at first, once you understand the basics of growing mushrooms, the process is pretty simple! Take care to prevent contamination, monitor temperature and humidity, and you will be enjoying fresh, homegrown, gourmet mushrooms before you know it!

Is mushroom mycelium effective? ›

Both the fruiting body and the mycelium contain beneficial bioactive compounds. In some cases, like with the lion's mane mushroom, these compounds are exclusive to either the fruiting body or the mycelium, so getting the full benefit requires the consumption of both parts.

Should mushroom kits be kept in dark? ›

All good grow kits will come with proper guidance and advice for watering and misting your kits for the perfect growing conditions. 4. Many gourmet mushroom grow kits need light to grow, so keep them in a bright spot away from direct sunlight.

Is a mushroom business worth it? ›

Mushroom cultivation can be a profitable and rewarding business for those interested in sustainable agriculture and healthy eating. By choosing the right variety of mushrooms, obtaining the necessary supplies and equipment, and marketing your mushrooms effectively, you can start a successful mushroom-growing business.

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